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neděle 9. listopadu 2014

B.F.G. - 25th jubilee


Did you play now on September in Slovak republic for the 1st time? Had anybody invited you some years before to play in Czech or Slovak land (if yes, which year was it and who had invited you?)? Or did not want you to play here (in Czechia) because of persecution and bad laws in this police state before?

Answer: Yes, that was our first time playing in the beautiful lands of golden pilsener and beautiful scenery!! I am sure we were asked many years ago to come and play over there, but my memory can't recall exactly. Your countries are beautiful and you guys have so much to be proud of!!!

How often do you practise? Do you have got good and high professional rehearsal? Do you share it with any other band? Do all members of BFG live in the same city?

Answer: We all live within 15 minutes of each other. Since we recently acquired our new drummer, we are able to practice much more often than before. The only problem we seem to have is that our work schedules conflict with each other. So most of the times we don't have full band practices, usually one or two members are missing because of work. We have our own little rehearsal space which we do not share with anyone. We have great gear that allows us to do what we do best.

Do you travel to Europe very often? Has anybody from BFG european ancestors and roots too? In which european land would you like to live and WHY? Will you go to Europe when you are retired one fine day?
Answer: We all have European ancestry. The ancestry of the members of this band span many European nations. From Sweden to Norway to England to France to Germany to Austria to Croatia to Italy. We cover quite a few areas :) It would be awesome to retire in Europe!!
My clear choice would be in the east. I could see myself in Slovakia, I feel at peace there. Croatia or Hungary, there are many nice places in the east. There is some nice places in the west too, but the east feels more old world to me. I am an old world type of guy, I am not into this modern age. And I don't really like the McDonald style corporate world that seems to be taking over the world. This type of world is much more prevalent in the west than it is in the east. I am a very simple man. I am an old soul trapped in a modern world!!

I have never heard any songs from BFG which
describe I.S. Donaldson. Or is Black September dedicated to him? I think ISD is not so much celebrated person in US, am I right? I think that WP movement started in US many years before ISD. Is it true? Does for example Bob Mathews, Joe Rowan or Erik Banks mean more for you? Your personal opinion toward / on ISD?

Answer: Actually, we have a song called Farewell which is in dedication to Ian and Erik Banks. The song Black September is in reference to a very close friend of mine (ours) that passed away. He passed away in September, and in the song we referenced to other good people that had died in September. It had always seemed like there were a lot of good people/friends that ended up passing away in September.Ian was an amazing writer. His songs were from his heart and soul and no matter what forces he faced, he stood his ground.

Ed, arent you really able to count all songs which you have written or all projects on which have you just participated? Can you mention any main project which are you the most proud of?
Answer: I probably could not count all of the songs I have written, it would probably take me some time to sit down and figure out. I am very pleased with all of the bands/projects I have taken part in. For me, one of my favorites has been Westwall. I am very, very, very proud of this band. Sadly, we lost our singer/bassist Bill a little over a year ago. But what we accomplished, and the music we made, is something I am extremely proud of. It was a great unit!! I also love the Before God material. But then again, all of the bands have different directions, I am proud of them all.

One man told me about Oktober beer fest in US. Do you visit some similar european „actions“ or events in US? Do you use german language there too or very rarely ?

Answer: We do have Oktoberfest festivities in the our part of the US. I don't normally take part in them, I am not a fan of big crowds. I prefer to have my Oktoberfest with my close friends locally. I do have good friends that I can speak German with, so that is always nice.

You could be famous if you had PC lyrics, I am more than sure of this fact! Do you have any similar mainstream ambitions with Westwall for example? Why did you use BFG name instead of Bound For Glory on Feed the machine CD under the PC records? Was it just made because of censorshit?

Answer: I was never into music for fame, as a matter of fact I was quite disgusted by "mainstream" music and its promotion of degeneracy. So I became a "Machine against the Rage". All that matters to me most is that we do and write as we please, I don't believe in having barriers when it comes to music. As the song says "We are who we are". I will continue fighting degeneracy with intelligence until my dying day!!

We just thought the BFG in the steam engine front would look cool. It had nothing to do with censorship.

Are people interested in Powerhäus or Bouncin Betty? I like these 2 projects too much but I think the number of sold CD or offers for concerts is very low, isnt it? Will you return to those 2 projects in the near future again or is it just RIP issue?
Answer: Yes, both bands have a nice little following. Powerhaus was a nice and fun little project we did while Roy lived up here. We played one concert. It was a fun new thing to do. The reaction to the cd was excellent!! Unfortunately, we could not continue it because Roy had moved back to California. Who knows, maybe one day we will do another one.
Now for Bouncin Betty, here is the good news, a new Bouncin Betty cd will be released within a few weeks on PC Records. The first album was released on a little label, and is very hard to come by. The new cd is extremely outrageous and full of humor. Bouncin Betty is well know for its energetic live performances out here. So fear not, Bouncin Betty is still kicking!!!
BFG has got just COMEBACK since last year. Why have you been on vacancy for such a long time? Was it just because of small children, or loosing of ideas or loosing of fans? What was the main reason to be BACK with a bang?

Answer: Actually, "Feed the Machine" came out in the summer of 2011. We did have a long period of inactivity. There were a multiple of reasons. For one, our priorities we with our families and work and we just did not really have the will or time to put into the band. Second, we have seen a lot of things in the past that made our stomachs turn, we were very disgruntled by many things. We are just a bunch of hard working guys that are not into drama or "scene" politics. Our focus is positive, not negative. And probably the most important part, being with our outlook on the way things were, we would and could not write an album for the sake of writing an album. We had to feel it in our bones!! Once the feeling and spirit was there, "Feed the Machine" was written. Everything started with a close friend of ours begging us for a "BFG" show for his private birthday party. So we told him yes, we found a drummer. We played his birthday party, and then we decided that it was time to get the old locomotive running again!! If we did not feel that fire in our heart, we would have never ended up recording and playing music again. I think by listening to our last 2 albums you can hear the energy and feeling in what we are doing. This time around with a new attitude and intelligence!!

 There were about thousand people in the audience on your gig. What about your aim with BFG? How many sold CDs, how many people on the show? With which band would you like share the stage (dont tell me Skrewdriver or Iron Maiden or Accept, please, haha)?

Answer: Why not Iron Maiden :) Honestly, I am happy to play with every band that is willing to play with us. I am just happy to play along with the young new bands that are out there. I want them all to be heard!! It is an honor for us.

I don't know what the cd sales are/were. All I do know is that the limited edition tin cd sets sold out immediately. There were about 1,100 to 1,200 people at the show from what I was told.
Our aim with BFG is to provided the best music possible. We wish to promote unity, intelligence and a good fuckin time for our brothers and sisters :) It is not hate, but love for us!!

I did not hear some songs in Slovakia ;-). Do you play on any shows in any lands songs Iron Eagle and Over the top? Will you ever composite and write some other pure „WP“ song or everything has been already said?
Answer: There are probably about 200 songs in the library. Sometimes it is not possible to play everyones request. When we try to put a set-list together, we try to make it as powerful and important to that region as possible. Plus we try to play the songs that seem to be very popular. Our set-lists are different from country to country.

There are a ton of bands out there with blatant lyrics. I prefer intelligent lyrics with real meaning. I am not into name calling, unless I write something really sarcastic. This is my personal view, some may disagree, but I prefer not to write about "nasty" things. I prefer to write songs of beauty, history, struggle. For example, no one likes having diarrhea, so why should you write a song about it? Why do I want to waste my breath on negative things? There is so much beauty and history within our culture, why not enlighten people to this? The media loves to feed off of the negativity and they try to make us look like the bad guys, but in reality we are people that live and struggle for our existence and identity. An identity that is thousands of years old.

Your opinion: has got WP movement any future? Is just this white population strong enough to rule the whole world? Do you believe in any CHANGE? OR do you play only for people who like your music and who can relax and feel the power on the concert if they dont feel it in the real
life outside?

Answer: Everyone has a different interpretation to this. I, for one, believe in the old ways of culture and tradition. It has become a matter of survival of culture and tradition, not a matter of wp. I
harbor no blind hatred, but I am a defender of honesty, integrity and true European culture. What is going on in the world today is absolutely against natural laws. We can look at the Scandinavian
countries for example. I recently saw a youtube video from the news in Oslo, Norway. There were 47 rapes in Oslo, every single one of the rapes was committed by a non-Norwegian. That is 100% 47 out of 47. This was one their news. There are areas to where the police have given up saying that the Muslims have taken over. How can this not make one angry?? It is so bad that women have to dye their hair black to avoid being raped? It is stuff like this that angers me!! How can these politicians go and ruin their countries like this?? Letting their culture and their natives live in terror? There is no argument valid from the other side for stuff like this happening!
And when you bring the "white" equation into this, it is the whites that are letting this happen to themselves. Be they French, German, Norwegian, Swedish, etc.

ou work too hard. You love music. Do you consider BFG like the best „underground“ band? By the way, I love BFG! I dont know any other band with so many qualities!! Which band would you like to suggest or recommend us?

Answer: I would never consider BFG the best or worst "underground" band. That is not up to me to determine. I just like to do what feels right in my heart when it comes to writing and performing music. As you can probably tell, my musical tastes are very diverse. I love classical music, metal, older punk/hardcore, RAC, 50/60's music etc. I really like a lot of the Finnish metal bands, one that really blows me away is a band called "Wintersun". They are absolutely amazing, the song structures, the orchestration, it is all top notch.

I have really been enjoying Volbeat a lot lately too. The singer is one of the best vocalists I have heard in a while. There is a good new German band on the scene called "Phonix". Very good stuff!! Very talented!! I also got to hear "Brainwash" recently and was impressed too.

You wrote many songs against tyranny, about the power of the people, about hatred to the state etc. Do you consider yourselves more like socialists or nationalists?
Answer: If I were to use a word to describe us, I would say "realists".
I don't like to label myself. But we are if anything realists, two plus two equals four in our world. Dogs don't meow, cats don't bark. And 3rd world agitators/criminals do not belong in Mother Europe. Its as simple as that.
I believe in true European culture and tradition. I believe in the salt of the earth people, the farmers, the workers, those that go through life pulling their own weight, the soldier that answers his nations call when asked. I don't believe in the criminal politician that looks to sell his people out for money and riches.
 Europe knows what 1st and 2nd world war was. Thats pity but many european patriots stood against NS occupation. They fought, they died. Some villages were burnt down by nazis at that time...women, children…You have got some songs about german soldiers, about Stuka pilot etc. Which is the main reason for celebrate 3rd Reich? Is it mainly because of qualities of the soldiers or because of the politics of 18 etc?

Answer:WW1 and WW2 were some of the darkest times of history. In order to understand WW2, one must understand WW1 and its ending. For the uneducated, who learn history from a McDonalds placemat, or Hollywood movies, every thing has always pointed at the Germans as the monsters. I sometimes can't believe the lies that are passed off as truths. In some of the schools in the US, children are taught that if they did not have blond hair and blue eyes during the 3rd Reich they would have been exterminated. This is actually being taught to kids!! When people try to tell me that, I ask them why there were so many "non-Aryan" soldiers that fought in the German Armed Forces? When I explain to them that there were Hindus, Muslims, and virtually people from many different
backgrounds that were in the German military, they are suddenly speechless. Then I ask them if the know anything about the Bolshevik Revolution and the takeover of the Baltic States, the Ukraine, as well as the southern states bordering Russia. I ask them about the harvest famine in the Ukraine (Holodomor). They have no idea of knowledge about any of this. Yet, they know what kind of clothes their favorite rapper or TV star wears. This is how sickening the educational system is.
I am sorry for my ranting and raving, I will get back to the subject.
With the outcome of the 1st World War and the treaty of Versailles. Germany was a lost and beaten country, sold out by corrupt politicians, and the bolsheviks tried to take over Germany. It was the first world war German veterans that battled them to protect Germany from communist take over. The country was in a deep depression. There was no food, the mark had no value, people were starving in the streets.It is from this scenario that AH was created.

For me the re-builiding of a broken bankrupt starving nation into an empire is impressive. The building of the autobahns, the work programs, the exploration, it is something that was built in such a short period of time. And last but not least, the buildup of one of the greatest armed forces the world had ever seen. There are ideas and things from that era that are amazing in my eyes. And it does not matter who you are, or what you believe, you can't deny the advances they had made. Unlike the population here today, I like to read books, mainly memoirs from the people that lived during this time. Especially, from a soldiers point of view. There are some books out there that have absolutely blown me away and have actually influenced certain songs. Nowdays, people watch Hollywood movies and see Brad Pitt kill 500 German soldiers with his bare hands while being outnumbered 500 to 1, but as you know that is complete fantasy. I write songs about some of these soldiers of the times because I feel they did their duty even though the winners of the war wrote the history books. Some of these
men were knights in the highest of regards, not murderers, just soldiers answering the call for their fatherland(s).Now, here is my personal take, some may like it, some may not.
Remember, I am a realist. And I am going to give you about as real as an idea I can give. I am basing this on my studying and reading and speaking to others who are well knowledged about this period.
I think some bad things happened to people, such as villages burned, executions, etc. There was such a fine line of who is friend or foe that it made the occupation(s) brutal. With Partisan attacks, guerrilla
warfare, and those standing against the occupation in other ways. It made for a bad formula. I, personally think that the Germans should have been much more friendly/welcoming to the peoples east of Germany. In some cases they were, but in some cases they were not. I know that
each country had its sympathizers. And there were volunteers that fought in the German armed forces.

However, for those who were in the middle, what could or what should they think about someone foreign coming through their land? Fight or flight? I also think each country had a different outlook. Lets say, if you were a Czech farmer whose family had a farm for hundreds of years, then all of a sudden an army comes through your territory and onto your farm looking to occupy your farm, how would you react to it? But on the other hand, imagine you are a Ukrainian farmer, who had land that belonged to his family for hundreds of years and the communists came and took your farm and
everything you own, this Ukrainian farmer would most likely welcome the Germans as heroes and liberators. So the point I am getting at, I think there were different scenarios.

But when it is all said and done, my heart cries for the innocents. Those that did not wish to have everything in their lives taken away from them. For me WW1 and WW2 were great tragedies. The European people being on the losing end.

 Which CD or LP of your personal collection is the biggest jewell for you and why? Which BFG CD is the most popular for your own (for me The fight goes on, then Last act of Defiance, Hate train rolling and the last 2 CDs!)?

Answer: Each of the later albums has a place in my heart. They are all so different, but they each have their own feel and purpose to them. When it comes to me being personal, or shall I say my personal feelings, "Last Act of Defiance" is the album. The lyrics are very personal to me, and you can really see my views focusing on that album.
The same can be said about "Feed the Machine", it is very personal and kind of a "in your face" type album letting you know "WHO WE ARE" :)
On this last album though, it is the most heart felt, melancholy release yet, there are some angry spots on there, but for the most part it is very poetic (you can especially see it on the lyrics to "The Darkening"). Also, this last album is inspired by you the listeners, the people that we have met and whose words we have heard, I want to point out that YOU the listener have been like an extra member in this band, YOU have been our inspiration. And we will never forget that!!!

Tell me some information about your concerts in JAPAN. Will you go there again? What is the main difference between fans in Europe, US and in Land of the Rising Sun? How many people was there? Did they contact your band first or did you contact Yellow Side?

Answer: We were contacted by a Japanese guy about playing a few shows in Japan. After getting asked about this, I called the guys and I also spoke with good friends all over the world about their opinion on this. Every answer I got back was positive. I had always known that there were many fans of BFG/Skrewdriver/Brutal Attack, etc in Japan. And for me, I have had a respect for the Japanese. I have viewed them as a very honorable people and that they are true to their culture. I have read articles about how people are returning items lost in Fukujima to their rightful owners. Wallets and other possessions have found their way back to their owners, people returned these things and did not steal them. I also noticed, they never asked for aid or a handout from the disaster. Here in the US, we had Hurricane Katrina to compare to what they had. If you the readers don't know about the aftermath of Katrina. Here is a short summary, there was murder, rape, robbery, lootings,
beatings and etc.

Japan 1 America 0
Being we have the motto "To Untamed Lands We Sail" we agreed to the adventure of going to Japan. We felt that it would be a good experience and it would be great to see something that we never imagined we would have had the chance to see.
As we arrived we were greeted by about 10 happy faces carrying a big Welcome BFG banner. They took us out to eat and to our hotel. They were ultimately respectful, and the hospitality was top notch. The following day, we were greeted by an older Japanese gentleman that was a friend/ associate/ penpal of Ian Stuart. He greeted us with a big bag full of beer (our reputation must have preceeded us :). We were given a tour of the city, taken out to eat and given the red carpet treatment.
Here are a few things we observed about the city, there was no trash anywhere in the streets, even during rush hour it was quiet, people were extremely respectful. No one looked at us strangely, they were extremely polite. Now, we did 2 shows.
At the shows, everything ran on time. Many bands played, and I must say all of the bands we played with were excellent, talented musically and were really professional. The sound systems were amazing!! They are really disciplined. When a band is scheduled to play from 4 to 4:25, they do that, they run on perfect time!! They had images of Ian Stuart on the curtain between sets. They played all the good music between sets. And as for the crowd itself, they were amazing!!
They danced and thrashed like madmen!!! At one point they were running up behind us and then driving forth diving in the the crowd. The audience over there is great, they really know how to show appreciation to a band. Another crazy observation I made, I don't think I seen one drunk Japanese guy. They are all well behaved. Very unique!!!
After the shows, they gave us tours of many nice sites. We got to see their war museum. It was AWESOME!!!Another thing to point out, they hired interpreters to accompany us. They had many questions for us as we did for them. I learned so much about their history and culture. They are as we, against cultural marxism and the NWO. (New World Order) They have great pride in their country and their history. They treated us with utmost respect and we in turn got to learn so much about them and we got to explain to them the type of lives we live. And of course, we treated them with our utmost respect too.
And the most wonderful and heartfelt thing they did after our 2nd show. They passed on money to give to our beloved brother Bills' family. For Bill had passed on a few weeks before. The money was given to his mother who used the money to put Bills ashes in with his favorite grandfather and his name was also etched into his grandfathers tombstone. To me this was the ultimate sign of respect and heartfelt
condolences one can give. They are absolutely wonderful people!!
As for the differences between the gigs between Japan/USA/Europe. No drunks at the gigs. Everything is run on time. No stabbings :)

Japan 2 USA 0
Please forgive me, I am just being a little humorous.


Some people started to hate you because of your tour in Japan. What can you message to those „orthodox“ NS who are totally blind and intolerant?

Answer: I need to first point out, if someone is "orthodox NS", they can't hate the Japanese. Japan was in alliance with the Germans in WW2. Everything in life boils down to respect, I respect people that have a respect for themselves, their traditions, their culture. And in turn show me the respect that I have earned. I don't blindly hate. If I have a hatred, it is for stupidity. Those that don't take the time and learn what it means in life to be an upstanding man. While some of us have put our ass on the line for 25 plus years doing what we do, some are little drama queen bitches that only sit behind their computer screens spewing their stupidity.
I hate to tell them this, but it is not the Japanese that are coming to your country dealing drugs, prostituting your women, and vandalizing your neighborhoods. If anything, when the Japanese tourists come to your country, they take many photos, respect your laws and spend money to stimulate your economy and then return home.

 What you realize when you see the world of today? Where is the hidden mistake? Are the people so bad or just only the system makes them so evil and nasty? Some says that problem is hidden inside different races. But this system is ruled by real wankers and scums – and they are white people. How is the truth? Bad people or bad system??

Answer: I believe it all boils down to conscience and greed. I think so many people these days seem to have no conscience for their actions or the things they do in life. And of course one of the most motivating factors is greed. We live in a consumer era, where everybody wants something and they will do anything, sell anyone out to get ahead. I can also honestly say this new electronic age has made some real wankers out of people. People don't have to be held accountable for what they have to say anymore.
For me, our system is one of feed and breed. If you feed the lazy, the ones that have no ambition in life, they end up breeding more generations like them. Pretty soon you will have a worthless nation of
do nothings who will expect things to only be done for them, and if they don't get what they want, they will riot and loot until they get it from the bleeding hearts.
The whole ecosystem of race, culture and tradition has been thrown out the window. And you are correct, it is lazy, liberal, money sucking scumbags that are selling out the people of their nations. I think we discussed in one of the previous questions about the happenings in Scandinavia. How can someone go to sleep at night knowing he sold out the natives of his country for money??? It is special interest groups that pull the strings behind these types. In my opinion, no amount of money, wealth or fame is worth the death of your culture!!! And yes, most of these sell outs are of white European lineage.You think about these leftist professors that argue about the need for all of the world to be one race. If they see that goal accomplished, what will be next on their agenda? One animal? Will they force the alligator to mate with the giraffe to mate with the bear to mate with the lion, etc. Until there is only one species of animal in this world???

 By who is the world ruled? Where is the chance to make it better, friends?? Do you think that the world politics is „anti-ethnical“ ?

Answer: The world is ruled by rich people, bankers, oligarchs and their corporations. They could care less about the state of the people, all that matters to them is that they have their riches and slaves. I believe there readers can name many of these types.How we make it better is by us sticking together and using our intelligence as well as our brawn to stand our ground. In Nietsches terms, we must be that "Superman".
Of course, Scandinavia is a perfect example!! World politics seem to be hell bent on destroying European cultures that are thousands of years old. (in the West for now)

 When have you heard about Czech republic and about czech skinhhead/punk scene for the 1st time? Who contacted you like the 1st czech skinhead? What do you know about Czech republic (not about good, delicious cheap beer and prettywomen ;-)?

Answer: I was first in contact with some guys from Prague back in the late 80's, maybe early 90's I think. The first band I had heard was "Buldok". I remember getting their first cd and I was thinking it was pretty damn good. Also, we met the guys way back when. We would always see some Czech guys at our shows in Europe. I had been to Prague when I was very young. I remember it being such a beautiful city. St Charles bridge is amazing as is St Wenceslas Square. I really need to visit again.Of course, I know the wonderful golden Pilseners, I would say the best in the world. The food is amazing!!
And yes of course, the women are beautiful. I almost developed whiplash from my neck turning so many times looking at the beautiful women :)

Your new CD is so FUCKING POSITIVE ART !!! Great!!! „We were brothers“ is so 100% anti-brothers war song!!! I read there some chapters of Croatia vs. Serbia,Poland vs. Ukraine, Russia vs. Ukraine, Sudetenland vs. Bohemia…Which part of history inspired you so much?
Answer: Yes, that for me is one of the most significant BFG songs ever. You know we have played in many countries. And many of the places that we had played, you are always bound to hear someone say "I don't like the people from this country" or something to that line of thinking. I look at it this way, European people have decimated each other for thousands of years. There has to be a time when it has to stop, and we need to be as brothers and sisters. Each country has its own language,
traditions, that should be easy to respect for each another. That person across the border, has the same goals and dreams as you do. He may speak a different language, but all he or she want to do is survive and be happy in life. It has been proven in the past that Europeans can unite. Lets take a look at the year 1683 when the Ottoman Empire was razing a path through Europe, heading for the final battle of Vienna. Had Vienna fallen, Europe would be a much different place today. At the battle for Vienna, the Prussian, the Bavarians, Italians, the Polish Hussars under King Sobieski and many other Europeans came to fight in the defense of Vienna and the in defense of Western civilization. This
is true power of the people. My ancestors fought in battles, as did many of yours in the battle to save Europe from the muslim hordes.
Unfortunately, these days, the politicians have opened the gates and what they could not do by force 331 years ago, they can now do with help of the bleeding hearts.
Yes, the Serbia/Croatia war was awful. As is what is going on between the Russians and the Ukrainians now. I just want to see an end to the hostilities. Let the politicians put gloves on and step into the ring!!!

And as the song says, "why do we fight over borders when none of us are
free" really think about that line for a minute!!!

Stockholm is burning is the song full of rage and sad truth! What shall we dowith refugees who rape our motherland?
Answer: Sweden is but an example of an experiment gone wrong. Our hearts and thoughts go out to the true Swedes that are looking to take their country back from the nightmare it has become.
In my opinion, the sell out politicians, that sell out the soul and and very heartbeat of the people should be sent to live in Exile, in the darkest recesses of Africa. Let them go and be the immigrant and lets see how they get treated.

What skinhead way of life gave you? Do you consider yourselves like skinheads? If not, tell me please why...I started like skinhead. I am continue like man with skinhead soul and fashion and punk haircut  !! The older the more individualist I am .
Answer: To me personally, to be a skinhead was an act of defiance. To be a free thinker, to show that you hear no one, no system. In my early years, I thought I could fight the whole world. I was stubborn, yet focused. My friends loved me, and my enemies feared me.
Now days, we are all grown up and we don't put a label on ourselves. I have seen so many "distortions" of what some consider skinhead these days. There are guys out there for the "fashion" aspect. Their clothes mean more to them than anything else. I can't and could never be that way myself. But to each his own. As I said before, I am a realist and a simple man. My motives are for the better things in life. I don't thrive on hatred, I rather thrive on the beautiful things in the world.
And in order to preserve those beautiful things in this world, you have to fight for it. Be it sword or be it pen!!! I am who I am!!

 Any final words?
Answer: Thank you Petr for the wonderful interview!! I want to personally thank each and every one of you that had come out and seen us!! You guys and gals are the lifeline for BFG. If it were not for you, there would be no us. Love your families, love your lands, love your culture and don't let anything or anyone tell you different.
You are who you are!!!
Mighty Hails to you!!!