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středa 19. října 2011

Powerhäus (en)

I intorduce the BIG MEN of the rock n roll musical scene here. If it is not so  secret, could you please tell me more about your age, business and hobbies?
A: Powerhaus is Tom (drums), Roy (guitar/bass), Ed (guitar), and Joel (vocals). Joel and I are the old guys in the band :) Tom and Joel are in construction work, Roy is in assembly work, I am in Sales and security. My hobbies besides music are sports. I know Joel loves to fish.

Think now about your great song SYMBOLS. We are not able to change or turn back  whatever has been done. Is there anything in your lifes (in your past) what  would you like to change or take back? Things in your lifes and in association  with your musical projects too...?
A: I could have gone into doing many different things, but this is the path I set on and I  have no guilt or regrets. It is what made me today. If there is anything I wish I could change, it  would be about some of the people I gave a chance to, that were not worth my time. I would simply go and flush them down the toilet to where they truly belonged.

You are not into politics anymore. It seems to be common and normal and very  spread new way of many bands. Where is the reason and the cause of this fact? Is  this because of your age? Or did you tell everything in your songs many years ago and now has been everything political told?
A: There are many different views when it comes to politics. I personally don't have the patience or  interest anymore. I still hold the very same views as I always have, actually I think my personal  views are stronger and more focused than ever. I would say the big difference is that I have come to embrace the real world and learned that the best thing to do is to be a stand up, honest, and strong man and represent yourself in the best ways possible. This is what gives you and your culture credence, and not by being a drunken shouting fool. Lead by example.

Is there any chance to change the world by politics or by music? What would you  like to recommend to other people if they want to live in the better world?
A: Things will unfold they way they are intended to. Politics and music do play a big part  in the way the world is. As an example, the Beatles are one of the catalysts that brought about the drug craze, and the whole hippy multi-cultural revolution into the thoughts of the people. Many of these people that embraced these type of bands, went on to be politicians, media icons, and etc. But to me personally, I think so much of what goes on is un-natural and the day will come where things will go back to they way they were. At least I hope so. To me a better world, means getting back to the ideals of our ancestors.
My advice for those who want to make a better world. Be honest, be true, and always put your best foot forward.
And always remember knowledge is power!!! Don't complain about things, go out and do something positive.

Ed, you are brilliant excellent musican!!! You have got a lot of own projects  which are the best in the world, I guess!! But which one is the most close to  you heart? And why? And which other projects are you going to prepare in the  future?
A: BFG has always been the band that opened my eyes up to another world. Little did I know that when I formed the band, what kind of accomplishments we would make? I still can't believe how our simple little band that played  music with a different point of view scared so many people? BFG was a reaction to all the hateful rap music that was being pushed to the mainstream. None of us are or were criminals of any sort, but we got treated as such.
We never robbed anyone, we never dealt drugs, we never attacked old ladies, we were some stand up proud white boys!!
We had to defend ourselves!!! While some will lay down and let people walk over them, you could never walk all over
us. This band taught me a lot!!!
As for new projects, I have a bunch of things going on right now. I seem to always be working on something new these

I think you know George Burdi (ex-Rahowa band) very well. Your opinion on this  man? Do you like his new way of life?
A: George is an intelligent man. But I think that his expectations with what he got himself into let him down. He simply was not a realist. When you deal with a "scene" such as he was in, you have to expect many pitfalls. Not just from the powers that be, but also from your "own" people. He was big into the "Indo-Aryan" philosophy and your average kid could not grasp his theories. You have to be able to speak in a language that anyone can relate to.
I persoanlly think George was into things for fame, but once he saw how the "real world" is within that scene, he got out
as fast as he could.
As for his new way of life, well I really have no opinion. All I can say, its not a path I would take, my roots are way to deep into my  own culture.

How often do you play live-concerts? Is it difficult to travel across the USA?  Would you like to play abroad (Asia, Australia, Mexico :-) ? And where and why?
A: Yes, our situation is one of difficulty for one of the guys lives in California. We did play one show out in California last summer. Since then we have not done anything, we are wrapped up into other musical projects at the time. I am pretty much open to playing any place that is civilized.

In the american multicultural society everybody can visit your show, I think.  There is big chance for it. Is it possible for example for the afroamericans to  visit your shows? Could you share the stage with any latino hispanian bands like  Madball or Agnostic Front? Or do you play for the another audience?
A: We've only played one show with PH and there were some mainstream people there. The way I look at it is that I am just a musician on the band, whoever comes to the show, comes to the show. I would have no problem being on a bill with AF, Cro-Mags or any bands like that.

You cooperate with the boys from the Final War. What was the main reason? Their  musical qualities or do you know these boys a lot of years from your region for  example ?
A: These guys moved out to our area many years ago. Naturally we became good friends with them. Being that they were great musicians and had a good sound, we came together to mesh our sounds together to form Powerhaus. Its the best of both worlds.

Do you keep in touch with the people from the „past and history“ ? For example  with the men from Nordic Thunder, Those Oppossed or Brutal Attack etc.?
A: Every once in a while I will hear from someone from the good old days.

Ed, I know you dedicated some songs to your family, to your wife and children. I  think the family is really important for  you! Do you have any personal dream  associated with your family? My childhood wasnt happy and I think yours either (think about the song of Powerhaus) :-(
A: Actually I had a great childhood. And now that I have a family, they are of the most importance to me. Its very interesting  to raise children in this day and age. But for me the most important part is being there and making sure that they have everything  they will ever need.
The song you are speaking of on the album "Walk Away" is taken from the point of view of a guy whose father was never there for him  I wrote the song because I see that in this country alot, there are many children that are raised in "Single" families. There are many fathers that walk out on their children, I know of a few guys that are bad, absent fathers. To me there is no excuse in this  world for being an absent father. On the other hand, many of my friends are great fathers and would do anything for their children.
My parents always did the best for me, I must have given them many headaches in the days, but they always were there for me.

Many people think that you dont have to work, that you live in big houses, drive in big luxury cars and live only from the selling of your CDs...Tell us about  the real life, please.
A: That would be nice if we could live off of the sales from our cds. I would love to get to that point and not have to worry about bills. But that is not reality at the moment.  I actually do live in a decent house, but that has to do with the  hard work of my wife and I. And in reality the house actually owns me :(
My car is about 9 years old, nothing pretty to look at. But it gets me around.
Joel works up to 80 hours a week sometimes, as does Tom.
Real life is that we all have to work, and if there is money that comes from the music, it is a bonus for us. Of course, making music  does not come free, there is rent, electricity, studio costs, postage, gas to get to practice. Some people can sit there and talk all  they want, but they probably have never been in a hard working band.

„Liberty is dead“...Tell us about the normal average life of the American  people. In the crisis or before the world crisis...What t he people generaly make  bad in their lifes?
A: People in the US are accustomed to trying to get ahead all of the time. So many have outspent themselves, used up their credit, bought homes and cars that they can't afford, and now it has come to bite them in the ass since the economy has been taking a beating. We live  in such a material society, its very rare that you see people with old world ideals these days. Its almost like a competition, who has the  faster car, the bigger house, etc. Many don't know what goes on outside this countries borders. We have the fattest people in the world, plastic surgeries, etc. It is kind of depressing to think that this is what society has become over here. Its all about consumerism and  convenience. And when things take a turn for the worse here, you see lots of bad things happening like mass shootings, crime, suicides.
Things are getting a bit crazy over here. Every day there is something new in the paper about some bad things happening.

What about your tattoos? :-) Is there any new on your bodies (if you have some  free place for it there, haha). Do you like celtic crosses a lot? ;-)
A: I am actually going to see one of my best friends that is a tattooist in a few days to finish up a new piece (masterpiece) he is doing  on me. I do have a little bit of space left :) I started in my teens and had most of my work done by the time I was 20. I was a bit crazy  in those days :)

Your musical dream? With which band would you like to share the stage?
A: I would like to do an orchestral piece one day, that would be a dream for me. To compose a "Wagnerian" style symphony. I would love to share  the stage with U2. (So I can shove a guitar up Bonos ASS!!! :)

Do you think you will play one FINE DAY in the Czech republic or in the Europe?  How much money must we prepare for the show? :-)
A: It would be a dream come true. For payment, we would want your best Czech Pilseners and some good food :)

You are really great musicians!! Didnt you ever regret the fact that you dont  play under the major labels and earn a lot of money?
A: Money is money. I don't like money, but we need it to live. Absolutely no regrets in what we have done. I would rather be doing what I do rather than sell out my ideals and my spirit for money. I have actually heard from some "mainstream" music shows that had said that if it were not for the content of our lyrics, we could be very big. Screw them!!! I can look myself in the mirror in the morning and know that I have not sold out to anything or anyone!!!

Ed, you wrote a lot of songs for the death/HC band Excalibur in the past too.  Are you still in touch with the singer Bruno? Have you already heard their new  „legal“ project Desolated ? Your opinion?
A: It has been a while since I have heard from Bruno. It has been a very long time. I have not had the chance to hear his new band  "Desolated" yet. I am sure it must be a good band if he is in it.
Any regards, mottos or attitudes or the final question for me (for example) ?  :-)
Do good and others will follow!!! Live life to its fullest and don't let anything stand in your way!!!
Hey Petr, thanks for the interview and keep those Pilseners chilled for me :)

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