Oblíbené příspěvky

pátek 21. října 2011

Youngblood (en)

Could you please introduce your band and tell us something about current line up and anything special about members of Youngblood ?
The Line up changes so much I can’t keep up.

Have you ever played in any different bands or studio projects? Why did you decide to established the band and which bands influenced you at the beginning?
I’ve played in a few bands such as Final War,Youngland. The bands that influenced me were Cockney Rejects, Rose Tattoo,The Blitz and of course Skrewdriver

You are on the musical battle fields many, many years. Could you compare your IDEAS, MUSIC and LYRICS and EXPERIENCES from the beginning and nowadays? What was changed and why?
You can only sing about the same stuff so much I thought it was time for a change and so most of our songs now are street anthems. We started a long time ago and so much has changed. So I wanted to go in a diffrent direction. There are so many bands who sing about the same stuff  I wanted to be diffrent.

Did you record your new CD „Old School Pride“ like apolitical one? Dont you want to mix politics and music anymore? And what could you tell us about your „The best“ CD ? Is this out now? Where could we buy your products?
Old School Pride is not a political CD we wanted to do something different. As for the 21 years CD is not out yet but that is our first 2 cd’s combined with a few bonus tracks that should be out soon. You can get Old School Pride at Rebel Records in Germany.

Do you live in Orange County? This is special area for great bands like Tri-City Trashed, Final War, Old Souls or Powerhaus. Do you know these guys? Are there any other great bands in your region?
Yes I know these guys a few are my best Friends. There’s a lot of great bands from this area but there just non political .

I think your sound is very special. Very catchy Oi! with strong street punk influences. Was there always strong positive punk rock pressure in your area? I like it a lot! Are you more punks or skinheads? :-)
There’s no pressure or I wouldn’t record anything we just wanted to put out a good CD that people would enjoy.

What about the situation inside the american underground scene? Is it stronger than before or the old good blood just died? Do you have some comrade-ship between other crews or bands?
The scene out here isn’t like it used to be too much drama so I don’t hangout anymore. All though there are a few people doing some good things.

If you could change anything from day to day, what would it be? In your private lives and in the world situation?
I wouldn’t change my life these days for anything I have a great Wife and Kids and that’s all I really need. I mean that what’s it’s all about right?

How is your top-ten (nowadays or always playing music) ?
I listen to a lot of music just depends what kind of mood I am in at the time I would happen to say my favorite band at the moment is the Street Dogs.

How many concerts ang gigs did you play? And are you planning any European tour? Would you like to play here in the Czech republic?
We’ve played a lot of gigs. We might be playing Germany at the end of the year and then maybe Italy sometime next year. I would love to play the Czech republic, we will see.

Do you know anybody from here ? What do you know about our land, mates ?
I know no one there and be honest I don’t know much about the Czech republic.

Would you like to tell anything to anybody in the end of this interview?
Yea thanks for the interview hope to see you soon at a gig and thanks to Martin from Rebel Records for helping us out. And look for a new CD sometime next year.
Cheers Youngblood

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