Oi! boys! May you tell me anything about yourselves? Age, jobs, hobbies, working with instruments in the band?
Hey man! Yes of course, we are a young Punk band from Berlin. There is Schmitt (bass), Martin (drums), Stoffel (voice), Tim (guitar) and me, Patrick (guitar).We are between 23 and 31 year old. We all are going to work, but in the cold month of a year Stoffel and me lose our jobs. I hope for not so long. So we have more time for our biggest hobby ...making music.
Could you please describe me closer your band? Is it established from skins or clearly from punks ? Do you think that you are the most hated band in Germany? Is it because of your punk image?
Our Band is mixed by 3 Skins and 2 Punks. But we dont want to make music only for Punks or Skins .. We make our music for everbody who likes our Punk style.
Haha I dont know if we are really the most hated Punk band in Germany, but I think that many Punks hate us here. Yes I think its because we are a punk band . But coz of our lyrics too.
You use „punk style“ because of provocation or because is it your own style of life and the type of your music? What does it mean for you to be PUNK or Skinhead?
We have our roots in Punkrock. Without Stoffel. But he is a Punk with a shaven head haha. And I´m a Punk since I was 14, so off course it is my way of life!
And yes we play simpe German Punkrock.
To be a punk means for me, that you dont go with the mainstream.
Punkrock is a subculture! And not what it is today, or what the left wing scene makes with this lifestyle ! I will break out from the system that we have, I will be a litle bit diffrent.
In a system that we love, or can be accept , we dont need Punk or other subculters like Skinhead, Psycho or what ever....
Then I dont wont to be diffrent. But that is only my view about it.
I know some other bands which play patriotic punk. Why do they act in this way? Want they play more legally under the sign of „punk rock“? Is it better for patriotic band to play like punk band than like Oi! band? Or do they call their bands like „punk rock“ because they dont know how to play metal etc.?
I think it is a bit coz their style of music. It is easy. Take 3 chords and you can say about your music. That is Punkrock. I think nobody cares if you say I have a punk band or a skinhead band. It is more the way how to present themselves.
Is it problem for you to organize any gig in Germany? What about oppression and the situation for nationalists in your land? Do you like playing there or somewhere in foreign countries?
Yes, it isnt easy. And the guys who want organize concerts have often to be smart.
Its difficult to life a national lifestyle without to get problems by the law.
I like to play in Germany very much ! But only if the concerts works!
And that isnt sure everytime.
You will play in Prague in February. What is your the biggest desire in association with this gig? Are you going to play any Cover songs ? Will you get there your stuff for distro?
Oh thats easy. I hope it will be a great concert with a lot of drinks and nice people !
We will play a few Punk and rac covers. For example Faustrecht Niemals Verrat or Schleim Keim In der Kneipe zur trockenen Kehle.
Which bands are the most popular inside your band? Do you listen for example metal or ska too ?
I dont know which band is the most popular. We like many kinds of music. I like Metal realy much ! Like Iron Maiden or Motley Crue. I dont listen so much Ska music. Only Madness for example.
Do you think is it more easy to be skinhead than punk? I think it means to have got more problems for punx because of mohawks ;-) I know it personaly. Do your family like your hairstyle ? :-)
I dont know , I never was a skinhead. The biggest problem is maybe the time in the bathroom haha.
My family like it.
Some people on the internet wrote that you are nazipunk band. What about your own opinion? Are you political band or not?
Yes we are a political band ! We are a right wing Punk band, but we are not an NS band. Everyone of us has a own political view. And with this way, we can come together and can make music with lyrics behind we can stand.
There are a lot of apolitical Oi! and Punk bands in Germany. I think it is a little bit fashion and the business for many, of course too. What can you tell me about it? Do you accept apolitical scene or..?
Apolitical is a joke ! I dont like people who dont think about their life.
If I am not interested in politics, I can be a sheep without a big minority about the world.
And yes I think so too. It has a litle bit from mainstream!
That is was the system want ! People, or what I would call them, sheeps who dont think !
What was your the best gig and why? What was happen ? :-)
We don´t played so much gigs now. Last time we were a bit busy with family and work. So we dont have time to practise .
We canceled a few gigs in the last time. The gig in your country will be our 3th gig.
But the best gig we had in west Germany with Shaven Heads and Endstufe.
Our CD wasn´t out, but some guys sing our songs with us and that was a great feeling !
Is there any similar band in Germany like yours? I know super punk band Rotte Charlotte. Can you recommend me any other crew or band?
I dont think so. Or better, I dont know.
Rotte isnt a Punk band. They play this kind of music.
I think its a litle bit a provocation that they say Rotte are a punk band.
Drugs (cocaine, weed, hash) are unfortunately so widely spread inside this scene. Can we fight this madness or is it the lost battle ?
You have to be different. In the scene, you have so many kind of people who dont think the same like us. And dont care about it.
But in the movement, I think there will be too much accept! And thats the problem.
Everybody have to think about, if it compatible to take nig**r drugs and live this special lifestyle !
Do you know Faustrecht? Some stupid people spreaded bullshit about them because of their political stance. I love them because of Fighting capitalism for the real socialism. It is the only way. Where do you stand personaly? Are you socialists?
I like Faustrecht realy much. For me they are one of the best political bands in Germany. Personaly, I am intrested in Gregor Straßer. A big man in the early history of the N***P.
But that is only my personaly way, and have nothing to do with the music we play.
Do you live in Berlin? Can you tell me anything special about its parts? For example Kreuzberg? Do you like this city? I think Germans are minority there, am I right ?
I moved from Berlin a half year ago. Yes, Berlin is very multicultural. Specialy Kreuzberg. Its more like little Istanbul. And you dont think that you are in Germany there.
Its sad, but I like Berlin. Realy nice people and places to be. And I really enjoyed my time there. We have too many immigrants in Berlin, its a shame for our beautiful capital city.
Do you meet many punk bois in your concerts? Had anybody (any skinhead) problem with your because of your mohawk? If yes, I hope you say him big FUCK OFF! ;-)
You can see a few Punks on our concerts. But the biggest part of our concert guests are skins. Sometimes you see a guy who have a problem with my individuality. But life teached me early to say fuck you.
I like your Web fanzine ! You have intresting interviews there. But I woud like to read more of this stuff in english, coz my czech is more worst than my english ;)
An interview with Los fastidios , Klasse Kriminale or The Oppresed would be very funny, I think.... haha
Anything in the end of this story, your musicians ? ;-)
First thank you, for your interest in our little punk band!
We salute our comrades in Czech and looking forward to a great time in your country !
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